Turkey Lurkey Rhythm Blitz Games & Free the Birds Melody Games!

Hi everyone!  I hope that you've had a GREAT week!  I've been busy making some Thanksgiving files and have started using them with my kiddos.  The kids have been having a GREAT time so I thought I'd share about the files and also a few of the activities that we have done with them.

My most recent files are the "Turkey-Lurkey Football Rhythm Blitz" files.  While these have turkey clip art, they can be used any time of year (but I'll probably revamp this file to be more non-fall specific, especially after Christmas, as the Super Bowl gets closer).

Directions for six different games are included but really the possibilities for any of these files are endless!

I'm going to tell you about two of the games.  The first the "Turkey Lurkey Football Blitz Game."  Basically, this is a rhythm relay race.  There are four teams (mine sit on the risers) and their cards are spread out on the floor across from them, on the other side of the room.  I either say (the easiest version of the game), clap or play a rhythm.  One student from each team races across the room to find the card.  From here there are few ways to play.  One is that everyone who correctly finds the matching card on the first try gets to keep the card for the team.  Another is that only the first person to find the card gets to keep the card.  Players rotate taking turns until the allotted time for play is done (I usually play 5-7 minutes. If you go too much longer you lose their attention.)  The kids love this game, the kiddos that aren't looking for the cards are cheering on their team and often time will end up chanting the rhythm at their teammate is looking for.

Here's the other game.  It includes the use of flashcards.  The file contains large and mini-flashcards:

Now, at Target in the dollar section I found these this fall:

I knew that I wanted to find a way to use them and the mini-flashcards fit inside them perfectly.

Today was the first time playing this and my 5th graders LOVED it.  I had 6 of the football popcorn cups and 6 sets of the mini cards.  They broke into teams of 5 and spread their cards out on the floor.  I would clap a pattern and the team would look for the card.  The rule was the first card I saw their team raise was their answer and they could only put their card back into their popcorn cup if their answer was correct.  Sound familiar?  It's basically a glorified group version of Post Office!

Here's Hayden showing his team's answer:

This picture of Jayden cracks me up!  He's been one of those kiddos that's hard to "win over", he had a great time with this activity:

And here's my buddy Coleman and his team:

These of course are available on my TpT Store, in the following sets:
  1. ta ti-ti
  2. quater rest
  3. half note
  4. tika-tika
  5. ti-tika
  6. tika-ti
  7. syncopa
  8. tom-ti
  9. ti-tom

Another file that I've create is the Free The Birds files:

This collection contains 10 different games, including 4 PPTs (in addition to the 9 other game ideas).  In the PPT students are in teams, pick turkeys and sing the melodic pattern to "Free the Bird".  

Slides for these games are in either stick or staff notation.  Within the sitck notation, there is one game with note heads and one without note heads.   With the staff notation, there is one game in the key of G and one in the key of F:

This file also has large and mini landscape cards, in addition to flashcards (pictured above):

There are also different colored slides to do relay races, similar to the Turkey Blitz game above:

These games are available in the following sets:
  1. so-mi
  2. la
  3. do 
  4. re 
  5. low la
  6. low so
  7. high do
  8. fa
  9. ti
  10. bundle
I also have a Turkey Rhythm Fraction file, check it out by clicking here.

I'll be working on some files for use in December and will be having some freebies available only to my Teachers Pay Teachers and Facebook followers so please follow me on both TpT and Facebook! :)

Have a GREAT Friday everyone!

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